State of the Creators
State of the Creators
023 - Farooque Bhai Project's Double Life As A Creator
Issa Nibras Farooque is a software engineer. But he leads a Clark Kent / Superman life because he is also a prolific musician and he goes by the name of Farooque Bhai.
Farooque Bhai hails from a family of musicians and change-makers - so he has always had a fair bit of music in him growing up. It was no different throughout his teens and uni days either when he started jamming and playing with various bands and sounds. But it wasn’t until exploring Soundcloud and releasing his first EP, that he started finding his niche community.
In this episode we talk about his journey, his foray into different music genres, how he brings professionalism to his creative craft, and his new EP which drops this week.
This is the first episode of Season 3 of the show.
You can watch the videos here: https://www.youtube.com/c/TawsifAkkas